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Ms. Gabriella Liu was invited by Intellectual Property Owners Association to speak
in the webnar on antitrust in Asia

On March, 16th, 2016, Ms. Gabriella Liu was invited by Intellectual Property Owners Association to speak in the webnar on antitrust issues in Asia. Panelists including Ms. Gabriella Liu discussed antitrust issues regarding the Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) in major Asian jurisdictions, i.e. China, Korea, and Japan. Ms. Gabriella Liu introduced the IP Guidelines (7th draft) published by SAIC to participants of the webnar. She then analyzed Article 26 of the Guidelines, which suggests that a dominant IP rights holder abuses its market position if it imposes a license term that limits the licensee’s ability to challenge the validity of the licensor’s IP rights. If you want to get more information about this webnar, please visit the official site of Intellectual Owners Association.